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How To Have Steady Power Supply Without Installing Solar Panels.

Solar systems are a great option for 24/7 power supply in your home. When I started off, I found it to be pricey and above my budget at the time. I wished so much to improve my lighting and reduce dependency on fossil fuel. I mean, who wouldn’t want to save all the money being spent on buying fuel which would only go for a couple of hours. Moreso, the hype of having steady light in my apartment added the prestige I needed to sell myself as a self-employed person to clients.

Although solar systems have become my best bet to win the war against poor power supply, the full system is not for the faint hearted. The cost of purchasing panels, inverter, and batteries all together almost made me lose hope. I figured a slight tweak which allowed me to achieve my goal at the time while I saved up to get the full system. This tweak is basically all about solar storage and quite simple to achieve.

First, I made enquiries about how the entire system operates. Apparently, I can use either the panels or direct electricity for the solar inverter. So, I decided to opt for the electricity option in the meantime.

Second, I did my research about the capacity and quality of solar inverters. So, the more electronics you wish to use, the higher the capacity. I went for the 2.5kva.

Third, I figured the number of batteries mattered as well. Depending on your need, you can either go for 2, 4, or more batteries.

That’s right, with these steps I got my home powered based on my pocket strength.

The only significant issue with this tweak is that if you would like to store direct electricity like me, then ensure that you manage it very well. If you stay in an area with less than 9 hours of electricity supply daily, you may want to regulate the time you switch on the system. For instance, turn it off when leaving the house or at times when you have absolutely no need for it.

Do not forget to reach out to Kinsaliki Support team to help curate the best system for you. There are already #KinPicks that would tick all your boxes.


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